E-learning courses on health and safety

Initial and periodic training
for employees in an online format

E-learning courses on health and safety
We provide training for institutions

fill in the contact form, we will call you back

Reduce costs

No commuting, no room rental or trainer costs, no catering...

Save time

Browse materials at any time and from anywhere.

Increase efficiency

Log in to the course and learn whenever you want.

Online support

We are at your disposal - contact us.

Trainings for administrative-office employees
Trainings for employers
Training for managers
Training for engineering and technical staff
Initial Occupational Health and Safety (BHP) Training

How does it work? Very simply.

Choose the training
that interests you.

Add it to your cart, complete the payment, and receive an email with the prepared materials

Complete the training to be
able to pass the test

Browse materials online. Complete the test online.

Receive your certificate

Upon successfully completing the online test, the certificate is automatically generated.


PLN 199.00
PLN 249.00

E-learning trainings 
are excellent solution 
for every situation. 
It provides easy access to materials
 and reduces costs 
associated with training preparations.

We provide trainings for

Institutions and Offices -

contact us


As part of the purchased training, you receive 
access to consultations through the support line. 
We respond to all questions every day.

We are an experienced team specializing in organizing occupational health and safety (BHP) training

Taking into account the expectations and needs of employers and individual clients, we offer you innovative training through an e-learning platform. Special didactic materials, prepared for relevant employee groups, are available in a convenient, comfortable form for participants, allowing users to access them 24/7. This enables training to be completed at the most convenient time, with our platform accessible on both computers and mobile devices – the only requirement is internet access. Additionally, participants can interrupt the training at any time and return to it at their convenience.

Trainings in this form allow you to reduce unnecessary costs associated with business travel, room rental, and catering.

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